# Tabs Tabs are good way to organize content, where the reader has choice they can make (usually based on their environment). While Sphinx does not provide tabs out-of-the-box, it is achievable by using extensions with Sphinx. Furo works well with the following extensions. ## [sphinx-inline-tabs] This is a small package that provides one thing: good-looking tabs that work. ````{furo-demo} ```{tab} One First. ``` ```{tab} Two Second. ``` +++ .. tab:: One First. .. tab:: Two Second. ```` ## [sphinx-design] A wide ranging extension, providing many reusable components for site content, including tabs. `````{furo-demo} ````{tab-set} ```{tab-item} Label1 Markdown 1 ``` ```{tab-item} Label2 Markdown 2 ``` ```` +++ .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Label1 reStructuredText 1 .. tab-item:: Label2 reStructuredText 2 ````` [sphinx-inline-tabs]: https://github.com/pradyunsg/sphinx-inline-tabs#readme [sphinx-design]: https://sphinx-design.readthedocs.io/en/furo-theme/