# Text Formatting Text formatting is an important aspect of written text. Sphinx provides support for several ways to apply specific formatting. ```{furo-demo} Content can have inline markup like *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**, `inline literals`, {sub}`subscript`, {sup}`superscript` and so much more. Providing a reference to {pep}`8` is straightforward. You can also include abbreviations like {abbr}`HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)`. > This is blockquoted text. It is possible to have multiple paragraphs of text, which get separated from each other visually. When stronger visual separation is desired, a horizontal separator can be used (3 or more punctuation characters on a line). --- This is written in Markdown. +++ Content can have inline markup like *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**, ``inline literals``, :sub:`subscript`, :sup:`superscript` and so much more. Providing a reference to :pep:`8` is straightforward. You can also include abbreviations like :abbr:`HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)`. This is blockquoted text. It is possible to have multiple paragraphs of text, which get separated from each other visually. When stronger visual separation is desired, a horizontal separator can be used (4 or more punctuation characters on a line). ---- This is written in reStructuredText. ```